Redox Oil Cream
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$ 1,199.90
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La crema REDOX-OIL esta estructurada de forma única. Por primera vez con un 75% de moléculas redox de alta concentración, aceites hidratantes y 7 aceites esenciales de alto impacto en la piel para diferentes usos dermatológicos. Es hipoalergénico, hidratante y actúa como un potente protector solar por su actividad de regeneración celular. Es recomendable aplicarla después de el baño con la piel húmeda para que se absorba y humecte dejando una sensación suave e hidratante en la piel.
The REDOX -OIL cream is structured in a unique way. For the first time,It contains 75% of high concentration redox molecules,moisturizing oils and 7 essential oils with a high impact on the skin,it has different dermatological uses. It is hypoallergenic,moisturizing and acts as a powerful sunscreen for its cell regeneration activity. REDOX -OIL cream is the perfect formula for your skin it protects from the sun´s rays,preventing it for being damaged. Apply in the mornig to hydrate and protect the skin from the sun¨s rays. It is advisable to use it all over the body after bathing,with the skin still damp so that it is absorbed and moisturized, leaving it smooth,soft and hydrated.